Wednesday, October 8, 2008


There are many ELFs around the library these days. Despite their requests for cute green hats and shoes with toes that curl up, they are not elves. No, indeed, these helpful folks in grades four and five are Emerson Library Friends of the friendliest sort. They give up some of their free time to give service to the library by tending the shelves and giving to the library in many, many ways. The library is better for their help. In just a week of service, they have put books in order, dusted up a storm, and put their names on shelves that will be their personal responsibility for the year.

As time goes by, these hardworking Friends will grow in skills and interests. They will add their ideas and personal touches to library projects of all sorts. We will meet as a group once every six weeks or so to share ideas and think of new ways to make the library better for everyone.

Does this sound like fun to you? If you are an Emerson student in grades four to eight, you are invited to join. You will feel good about helping and the library will make everyone who enters feel better because of your service.

Thank you, ELFs.

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